Take Your Daily Dose of Forgiveness

May 11, 2020
Prayer is much more than a petition. Prayer is your spiritual communion with your Heavenly Father. This is the time that we spend together with our Father in relationship. As we completely yield ourselves, we allow God the access He needs to work in our lives. We can know that as we pray, He hears our prayers. Don’t be disillusioned if you don’t see the answers to your prayers right away. The Bible says to pray in faith. Our faith is a gift from God. Not something we did but a gift from our Father to help us stay strong. As you pray, continue to thank God until you have received the answer to your petition. Don’t give up and allow the enemy to prevail.

The effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16

Have you felt that at times you were wrestling God to get His answer? In Genesis 32:22-31, Jacob contended with God and wrestled Him all night. Sometimes we are called to an all night prayer vigil or an early morning on your knees to contend for breakthrough. Jacob, which means deceiver, was asked by God to state his name because he needed to acknowledge his weakness before he could receive His full inheritance. Is there something in your heart that God wants you to acknowledge so He can bless you? God is looking for a humble heart and a yielded spirit.

The Lord lifts up the humble but casts down the wicked. Ps. 147:6

There is no need to beg God for a blessing, He wants to bless you. Your Father’s affirmation comes through your prevailing in prayer, not necessarily in the answer. Jacob contended for his promise, he came out with a physical limp and was transformed. God’s presence had transformed Jacob, the deceiver to Jacob, the prince. He would forever limp in the natural but he also learned to lean on the Lord’s strength in the spirit. Perhaps you have developed a spiritual limp and you feel cursed. Your limp looks good on you. Yes, your limp has changed your spiritual walk into one of dependence. That is where God wants you.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalm 28:7 NIV

So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness. Hebrew 4:15 TPT

Remember who you are and whose you are. You can go boldly to the throne of grace. In boldness of faith, Jacob engaged God to fulfill His promise to bless him and make him a blessing to others. Wrestling with God in prayer is not trying to force God’s hand or twist His arm in getting your way. It is allowing your passion to rise up for what He has promised in His Son – that your trial would turn to treasure- the treasure of seeing the face of God in the midst of your greatest fears.

Jacob learned a valuable lesson in humility and perseverance. He wrestled God and was transformed. The love of God changed him forever. God wants to transform you and bless you. He is looking for a yielded, humble heart and steadfast prayers. It is not your job to push, control and manipulate God to get the answer you are looking for. It is your role, in an intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father, to continually commune for His blessing. Spiritual limp and all, seek Him and find yourself transformed by His love.

Apostle Cathy Coppola

Cathy Coppola International Ministries

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