About Apostle Cathy Coppola

When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!

Apostle & Prophet Dr. Cathy Coppola ushers in the glory of God through worship, preaching His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit and releasing His miracles, signs and wonders to the nations. 

She is the Founder of Cathy Coppola International Ministries, House of Glory Church, Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV, and Fired Up Conferences. Her weekly services are filled with demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit, as He floods the meetings with signs, wonders, healing and deliverances. A ministry where the physically sick are healed, the emotionally hurting are restored, those bound by demonic spirits are set free and families are reconciled to their Heavenly Father’s original design.

Her TV ministry, Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV, can be seen online at cathycoppola.org, MWBN.TV, HSBN.tv, Roku.tv Spotify and more.

With a strong healing, deliverance and prophetic gifting, she ministers to the nations preaching God’s Word and releasing His kingdom authority and power. She has ministered abroad in South America and Africa.

Mission Statement

Committed to train, equip and empower men and women to be generals for Christ and to do the works of the Kingdom!
Mark 16:17&18
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


  • Raising up 5-fold ministers globally, who walk in their God-given authority
  • Teaching the saints of God to heal the sick, cast out demons and walk in kingdom dynamics 
  • Creating a worship environment where the Holy Spirit is free to move transforming lives 
  • Equipping the saints to move and live in the glory realm of God bringing heaven to earth​
  • Proclaiming the Word of God to all nations
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