“Become radically in love with Jesus and your God given destiny will naturally unfold.” Apostle Cathy Coppola
“You always have the right to choose – even your silence is a choice – choose well.” Apostle Cathy Coppola
“Live life with strength under control. A horse must be broken before its strength is reliable. Let your brokenness lead you to strength under God’s control.” Apostle Cathy Coppola
“If God has entrusted you to a leadership position, don’t disqualify what He qualified.” Apostle Cathy Coppola
We experience the Love of God inwardly
He ignites our love for Him
He awakens our love for others
Romans 5:5, 1 John 4:10 & 11, John 13:34 & 35, Mark 12:31 & 31
Receiving the indwelling presence of the Lord
Practicing the presence of God
Obeying Christ
Psalm 22:3, Psalm 27:4, Jeremiah 29:13, Deuteronomy 4:29, 1 Corinthians 3:16 Psalm 84:10, James 4:8, Psalm 150:6, 2 Chronicles 20:22, Psalm 149:6
Yielding to Him
Listening to Him
Doing what He instructs us to do
John 14:16 & 17, John 14:26, John 16:13
We have power in the Lord by the Holy Spirit
We do the Kingdom works
We move mountains by faith
Romans 8:14-17, Luke 10:19, Galatians 4:5, John 14:12, Acts 1:8, Acts 4:31 Hebrews 11:6,
Mark 11: 22-24
Prayer, Fasting, Meditation, Giving
Matthew 6:6, Matthew 6:17 & 18, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2 & 3
To walk in authority and power
To train up five-fold ministers
Ephesians 4:11 & 12