Salvation has not passed away. Faith has not passed away. Healing has not passed away.
God wants you healed.
But you must learn to use your spiritual authority over the devil’s work.
Stand in faith and know that “By His stripes you are healed” Isaiah 53:5.
Watch these two powerful healing testimonies of people healed of Cancer at House of Glory Church.
All praise to our Healer, Jesus Christ, who is the same, yesterday, today and forever! Amen.
Prayer To Take Authority Over Your Home
Spiritual warfare is always happening. As Bible believers in Jesus Christ, we have the victory through His finished work on the cross. We must learn to stand on the Word of God, in our God given authority against the evil influences of the devil.
Submit to God, Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Learn how to use the Word of God to destroy those evil forces that are trying to destroy you and your family.
You are victorious in Christ today, as your faith in Jesus' victory increases in you.
The Dominion Prayer was birthed as I rose up and fought against the evil forces coming against my family.
Make listening to this prayer a part of your daily routine and you will start to see the difference.
Jesus often said in Scripture to those He healed, "Your faith has made you well."
Faith is not passive. Faith is an active trust in God's power and a willingness to receive and keep His healing.
Signs, wonders, healing and deliverance mark Apostle & Prophet Cathy Coppola’s life and ministry
The anointing is the power of God flowing through an individual that is yield to Him. A special empowering that abides with you. Jesus is the Anointed One and lives in every believer. That anointing will help you achieve the purposes He has given you. Understanding the anointing is important. The anointing in your life will break every yoke and every burden. Walk in your yoke breaking anointing and bring the power of God to every situation.
Healing is a part of the atonement! Jesus said, "It is finished." Which means, what He was sent to do was fully accomplished.
Walking in healing just as real as waling in freedom from sin.
You have been saved from all the works of darkness. Watch this quick teaching on healing and learn to claim what Jesus paid for with His blood!
Deliverance is central to the Christian faith and Scripture has a lot to say about it.
Deliverance is setting a person free from the oppression of a demonic spirit.
The gospel is the same both in the Old Testament and New Testament. The need for a Savior and the need for deliverance has not changed. Jesus said, I am the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Jesus Himself taught and operated in deliverance.
Mark 1:32-33 …they brought all who where sick and those who were demon-possessed…..He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast our many demons….
Mark 1:39 He (Jesus) was preaching in their synagogues…and casting out demons.
Jesus commissioned all believers to do the same. That would include believers at all times through the ages.
Mark 16: 15-17 And He said to them, “Go into all the word and preach the gospel to every creature….These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast our demons…”
Deliverance was a key part of the ministry of Jesus and should be a key part of every believer’s life too. Deliverance is the children’s bread. It belongs to believers to set the captives free.
Watch this short teaching on deliverance and walk in your Biblical authority over the tactics of the enemy!
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